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Can You Plant Cucumbers Near Tomatoes

Cucumbers and tomatoes are two popular vegetables that many people enjoy growing in their gardens. But can you plant them near each other?

The short answer is yes, you can plant cucumbers and tomatoes near each other. In fact, there are some benefits to doing so. Both plants have similar growing needs when it comes to sunlight, soil conditions, and watering. And if space is at a premium, interplanting the two will allow you to get more out of your garden.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to planting cucumbers and tomatoes near each other. One is that they can both be susceptible to the same diseases, such as powdery mildew and anthracnose. If one plant becomes infected, the other plant could also become infected.

Another potential drawback is that cucumbers and tomatoes can compete for nutrients. If you don't fertilize your garden regularly, one plant could end up getting more nutrients than the other, which could lead to stunted growth or poor yields.

Overall, whether or not you should plant cucumbers and tomatoes near each other depends on your specific gardening conditions. If you have a large garden and can space the plants out properly, then there's no reason why you shouldn't plant them together. However, if you have a small garden or are concerned about disease, it might be best to plant them in separate areas.

Here are some tips for planting cucumbers and tomatoes near each other:

  • Space the plants at least 18 inches apart. This will give them enough room to grow without competing for nutrients or water.
  • Fertilize your garden regularly. This will help to ensure that both plants get the nutrients they need to thrive.
  • Monitor your plants for signs of disease. If you see any problems, treat them immediately to prevent the disease from spreading.

Here are some companion plants that you can grow with cucumbers and tomatoes:

  • Basil: Basil helps to repel pests from cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds help to attract beneficial insects that help to control pests.
  • Nasturtiums: Nasturtiums help to deter nematodes, which can be a problem for cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Beans: Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which can benefit both cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Corn: Corn provides shade for cucumbers, which can help to prevent them from scorching.


Whether or not you should plant cucumbers and tomatoes near each other is a decision that you will need to make based on your specific gardening conditions. If you have a large garden and can space the plants out properly, then there's no reason why you shouldn't plant them together. However, if you have a small garden or are concerned about disease, it might be best to plant them in separate areas.

By following the tips in this blog post, you can help to ensure that your cucumbers and tomatoes grow healthy and productive, whether you plant them together or not.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are two popular vegetables that can be grown together in the garden. In fact, there are some benefits to planting them near each other. For example, both plants require full sun and well-drained soil. They also have similar pest and disease problems, so planting them together can help to deter pests and diseases.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when planting cucumbers and tomatoes together. First, make sure to space the plants properly. Cucumbers need about 24 inches of space between plants, while tomatoes need about 36 inches of space. Second, provide adequate support for the cucumbers. Cucumbers are vining plants, so they will need something to climb on. You can use a trellis, fence, or even a tomato cage.

If you are considering planting cucumbers and tomatoes together in your garden, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a wealth of information about planting cucumbers and tomatoes, including tips on spacing, support, and companion planting.

FAQ of planting cucumbers near tomatoes

  1. Can I plant cucumbers near tomatoes?

Yes, you can plant cucumbers near tomatoes. However, it is important to note that they can both attract the same pests and diseases, so it is important to monitor your plants closely and take steps to prevent problems. Additionally, cucumbers and tomatoes have different water and nutrient requirements, so you may need to adjust your watering and fertilizing schedule accordingly.

  1. What are the benefits of planting cucumbers near tomatoes?

There are a few benefits to planting cucumbers near tomatoes. First, both plants require full sun and well-drained soil. Second, they can help to deter pests and diseases. For example, cucumbers can help to repel cucumber beetles, which can also damage tomatoes. Third, they can help to improve the flavor of each other's fruits.

  1. What are the drawbacks of planting cucumbers near tomatoes?

As mentioned above, cucumbers and tomatoes can both attract the same pests and diseases. Additionally, cucumbers can compete with tomatoes for water and nutrients. If you do decide to plant cucumbers near tomatoes, it is important to give each plant enough space to grow and thrive.

  1. How far apart should cucumbers and tomatoes be planted?

The recommended spacing for cucumbers and tomatoes is 3-4 feet apart. This will give each plant enough room to grow and prevent them from competing for resources. If you are planting them in a raised bed, you may need to space them even further apart.

  1. What are some companion plants for cucumbers and tomatoes?

Some good companion plants for cucumbers and tomatoes include:

  • Basil: Basil can help to repel pests and improve the flavor of tomatoes.
  • Marigolds: Marigolds can help to deter nematodes, which can damage the roots of cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Onions: Onions can help to repel aphids, which can damage both cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Spinach: Spinach can help to suppress weeds and improve the soil quality.

Image of planting cucumbers near tomatoes

5 different images of "planting cucumbers near tomatoes" from Pinterest:

  • Image 1: A row of tomato plants with cucumber plants growing in between. The tomato plants are taller and have more leaves, while the cucumber plants are shorter and have fewer leaves. Image of Planting cucumbers near tomatoes 1
  • Image 2: A cucumber plant growing up a trellis next to a tomato plant. The cucumber plant is starting to vine, and the tomato plant is starting to flower. Image of Planting cucumbers near tomatoes 2
  • Image 3: A tomato plant and a cucumber plant growing in the same pot. The tomato plant is taking up more space, but the cucumber plant is still able to grow well. Image of Planting cucumbers near tomatoes 3
  • Image 4: A garden bed with tomato plants, cucumber plants, and other vegetables. The tomato plants and cucumber plants are planted in different rows, but they are close enough together to benefit from each other. Image of Planting cucumbers near tomatoes 4
  • Image 5: A close-up of a cucumber flower and a tomato flower. The cucumber flower is small and yellow, while the tomato flower is larger and red. Image of Planting cucumbers near tomatoes 5

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